Structure SDK, the world’s most powerful mobile 3D scanning platform, now supports XRPro's Structure Sensor, Apple TrueDepth, and the LiDAR sensor in Apple's recent iPad Pro models. Build apps leveraging the power of spatial computing for millions of mobile devices.
Works with:
Apple LiDAR |
Apple TrueDepth |
For more on our support for Apple TrueDepth, see Structure SDK 2.0.
Structure SDK (Cross-Platform) supports Structure Core and Structure Sensor Pro beyond the tablet, bringing cutting-edge computer vision software to Android, Linux, Windows and macOS. Please contact us for integration quotes.
Works with:
Never developed with a 3D sensor before? Structure SDK (iOS) includes high-level APIs that get you started quickly. Need 3D scanning and texturing? Volumetric reconstruction? Our APIs have you covered. Prefer to develop at a low level? You'll have direct access to the same raw data and low-level controls on Structure Sensor that we do.
3D Scanning & Texturing
Indoor Mapping
The Structure SDK (iOS) provides developers with a stable, easy-to-use, flexible and constantly-improving framework for creating iOS applications in Xcode which leverage advanced computer vision capabilities and techniques.
Just drop Structure.framework into your Xcode project, initialize the Structure Sensor in your code, and you're ready to develop with depth. It's really that easy.
Apps created with Structure SDK (iOS) can be launched on the App Store. The SDK contains source code for sample apps with 3D scanning, indoor mapping and more to get you started.
STCaptureSession* captureSession = [STCaptureSession newCaptureSession]; captureSession.delegate = self; [captureSession startMonitoringWithOptions: @{ kSTCaptureSessionOptionColorResolutionKey : @(STCaptureSessionColorResolution640x480), kSTCaptureSessionOptionDepthSensorEnabledKey : @(YES), }];
Structure Core takes the industry-leading depth processing of Structure SDK (Cross-Platform) to a wider array of devices and platforms than ever before.
Structure SDK (Cross-Platform) is optimized and natively compiled for great performance no matter if you’re using macOS, Windows, Linux (ARM and x64) or Android.
With the new Structure Core and Structure SDK (Cross-Platform), you can access perfectly-synced data from any combination of depth, visible, and IMU streams. No more need to write complex code to combine multiple sensors.
ST::CaptureSessionSettings settings; settings.source = ST::CaptureSessionSourceId::StructureCore; settings.structureCore.depthEnabled = true; settings.structureCore.visibleEnabled = true; settings.structureCore.infraredEnabled = true; settings.structureCore.accelerometerEnabled = true; settings.structureCore.gyroscopeEnabled = true; settings.structureCore.depthResolution = ST::StructureCoreDepthResolution::SXGA; settings.structureCore.imuUpdateRate = ST::StructureCoreIMUUpdateRate::AccelAndGyro_1000Hz; session.startMonitoring(settings);
The USB Hacker Cable lets you plug original Structure Sensor into any USB 2.0 device, and will charge your sensor battery more quickly than a power adapter.
Want to attach a Structure Sensor to something other than an iPad? No problem - just download the CAD and specifications and create your own custom bracket.
Download Structure Sensor 3 Starter CAD
Download Structure Sensor Pro/(Mark II) Starter CAD
Structure Sensor was created for use with mobile devices, specifically iOS and iPadOS, but Structure Sensor Pro can be used for other use cases as well. For other use cases such as robotic pathfinding and embedded installations, check out the Cross-Platform SDK.
Explore your Structure Sensor's capabilities and get the most out of your experience.